Betekenis van:
absorption unit
- The kinetic energy of the rollers is dissipated by the power-absorption unit and by the frictional effects.
- Adjust the power absorption unit to reproduce the corrected total track torque indicated in paragraph above.
- Specific energy absorption (SA) is defined as the energy absorbed per unit mass of biological tissue, expressed in joules per kilogram (J/kg).
- Since the basic measurement unit of all opacimeters is transmittance, the smoke values must be converted from transmittance (τ) to the light absorption coefficient (k) as follows:
- the assignment of ownership of a technical unit, including all the plant required to manufacture starch, to one or more undertakings, resulting in the partial or total absorption of the outpost of the undertaking making the assignment;
- The optical characteristics shall be such that the combined effect of diffusion and reflection does not exceed one unit on the linear scale when the smoke chamber is filled with smoke having an absorption coefficient near 1,7 m-1.
- ‘transfer of ownership of a starch factory’ the assignment of ownership of a technical unit, including all the plant required to manufacture starch, to one or more undertakings, resulting in the partial or total absorption of the outpost of the undertaking making the assignment;
- ‘transfer of ownership of a starch factory’ the assignment of ownership of a technical unit, including all the plant required to manufacture starch, to one or more undertakings, resulting in the partial or total absorption of the outpost of the undertaking making the assignment; (k)
- ‘transfer of a factory’ means the transfer of ownership of a technical unit, including all the plant required to manufacture the product concerned, to one or more undertakings, resulting in the partial or total absorption of the production of the undertaking making the transfer;
- Specific energy absorption rate (SAR) averaged over the whole body or over parts of the body, is defined as the rate at which energy is absorbed per unit mass of body tissue and is expressed in watts per kilogram (W/kg).
- Specific energy absorption rate (SAR) averaged over the whole body or over parts of the body, is defined as the rate at which energy is absorbed per unit mass of body tissue and is expressed in watts per kilogram (W/kg). Whole body SAR is a widely accepted measure for relating adverse thermal effects to radio frequency (RF) exposure.