Betekenis van:

to aggravate
  • verergeren
  • make worse
"This drug aggravates the pain"




to aggravate
  • mishagen, misnoegen, ontstemmen, ergeren, irriteren
  • exasperate or irritate




  1. It will aggravate the wound.
  2. The adapted sentence shall not aggravate the sentence passed in the issuing State in terms of its nature or duration.
  3. The adapted sentence must not aggravate the sentence passed in … (issuing State) by its nature or duration.
  4. In the period where analogue and digital broadcasts are operated in parallel (the simulcast period), switchover may actually aggravate spectrum scarcity [17].
  5. According to users, the imposition of measures will aggravate the shortages of PSF supply because the Community industry is not able to satisfy EU demand.
  6. Member States shall deny an export licence for military technology or equipment which would provoke or prolong armed conflicts or aggravate existing tensions or conflicts in the country of final destination.
  7. The assistance shall also support areas affected by geographical or natural handicaps which aggravate the problems of development, particularly in the outermost regions as referred to in Article 299(2) of the Treaty as well as the northern areas with very low population density, certain islands and island Member States, and mountainous areas.
  8. Several users submitted that, after the IP, there was already a shortage of supply on the Union market, and that the imposition of anti-dumping measures would aggravate this situation, as it would lead to reduced imports from the PRC whereas these imports are needed in view of the strong and growing demand.
  9. If KWW uses, in this particular case, the difference between its actual losses and the promised loss compensation for other purposes than directly to its restructuring, the amount of this difference will have the effect of an operating aid and thereby aggravate the already difficult competition conditions between the European yards.
  10. An adaptation of the sentence by the competent authority of … (executing State) may take place only if it is incompatible with the law of that State in terms of its duration or nature. The adapted sentence must not aggravate the sentence passed in … (issuing State) by its nature or duration.
  11. The above analysis relating to the likely development of consumption, imports of dumped Chinese products and major injury indicators for the period between the IP and 2009 (see recitals 90 to 111 shows that a considerable deterioration of the economic situation of the Community industry is already taking place and is foreseen to continue if not further aggravate in the near future.
  12. if the person concerned, while in receipt of benefits, has not pursued, under the legislation of another Member State, an activity as an employed or self-employed person likely to cause or aggravate the disease in question, the competent institution of the first Member State shall bear the cost of the benefits under the provisions of the legislation which it applies, taking into account the aggravation;
  13. In cases where, despite a ship being perceived to be in a state of emergency, the persons on board refuse to accept assistance, the participating unit should inform the Rescue Coordination Centre and continue to fulfil a duty of care, taking any measure necessary to the safety of the persons concerned, while avoiding taking any action that might aggravate the situation or increase the chances of injury or loss of life.