Betekenis van:
all of a sudden

all of a sudden
    • happening unexpectedly


    all of a sudden
      • without warning



      1. All of a sudden, it began raining.
      2. The accident happened all of a sudden.
      3. All of a sudden, she spoke out.
      4. All of a sudden it started raining.
      5. All of a sudden, he spoke out.
      6. All of a sudden, it became cloudy.
      7. All of a sudden they stopped talking.
      8. All of a sudden, all the lights went out.
      9. All of a sudden, the door shut with a bang.
      10. All of a sudden, a dog began barking.
      11. All of a sudden, she began to laugh.
      12. All of a sudden, the lights went out.
      13. All of a sudden, the barn went up in flames.
      14. Well, you don't seem very sick, all of a sudden.
      15. All of a sudden the sky became dark.