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- of laws and regulations; designed to protect trade and commerce from unfair business practices
- The purpose of antitrust law is to stop the abusive influence of the market by big companies.
- For government antitrust law
- Enforce competition legislation consistently regarding both antitrust and State aid.
- The report is available at
- 10 January 2007;
- Therefore there is no market investigation organised such as those launched by the Commission for antitrust decisions.
- The competent authorities in the United States of America and Australia are reviewing their respective antitrust policies in respect of IATA tariff conferences.
- In antitrust and merger cases, the substitutability between the different broadcasting platforms at retail level has been decided on a case-by-case basis [63].
- Otherwise, antitrust scrutiny in certain software markets would come too late as evidence of market impact could only be demonstrated once the market had ‘tipped’.
- This Regulation is complementary to general rules on competition which remain fully applicable to abuse of competition such as antitrust violations or abuses of a dominant position.
- Enquiries showed that no competition‐based analysis in the antitrust/merger control field has been carried out in this connection by the Bundesbank/Land central bank, the Federal Cartel Office or the Commission.
- The applicant further argued that Waidhaus price for Russian gas is not reliable because it is affected by excessively high and possibly non-competitive domestic pricing on gas in Germany, which is being investigated by German Antitrust Authorities.
- There is no reason why the notions of business secret and other confidential information should be interpreted differently from the meaning given to these terms in the context of antitrust and merger procedures.