Betekenis van:
Zelfstandig naamwoord
- Armeense taal
- the Indo-European language spoken predominantly in Armenia, but also in Azerbaijan
Zelfstandig naamwoord
- inwoner Armenië
- the Indo-European language spoken predominantly in Armenia, but also in Azerbaijan
Zelfstandig naamwoord
- a writing system having an alphabet of 38 letters in which the Armenian language is written
Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
- of or pertaining to Armenia or the people or culture of Armenia
- Kim Kardashian is Armenian and American.
- Armenian is an Indo-European language.
- 'Hayastan' is Armenia's name in Armenian.
- Armenia is called "Hayastan" in Armenian.
- They translated the novel from Russian into Armenian.
- The Armenian Genocide left a total of one million and five hundred thousand deaths, including men, women and children.
- The "Grey Wolves" are a Turkish ultra nationalist movement, neofascist, anti-Kurd, that denies the genocide of the Armenian people.
- The claims made in this regard by the Armenian exporting producer were therefore rejected.
- The Armenian exporting producer claimed that the market share of the Armenian imports during the period considered was not, on average, enough as to cause the injury suffered by the Community industry.
- The Armenian exporter submitted a substantially revised undertaking offer after the deadline set out in Article 8(2) of the basic Regulation.
- The Armenian exporting producer contested the determination of the Community consumption by claiming that sales of the CI on the captive market should have been taken into consideration.
- Subsequent to the provisional disclosure, the Armenian exporting producer argued that Armenian imports should be decumulated for the purpose of the injury analysis given the low import volumes, its low market share and the flat import trends as well as the allegedly significant quality differences between the product exported from Armenia and the ones exported from Brazil and the PRC.
- In particular, it was argued that the Brazilian exports were mainly made via traders while the Armenian and Chinese exporting producers sell directly to the rewinders in the Community.
- The Armenian exporting producer did not explain in what way the methodology used by the Community institutions was not reasonable and would, as a consequence, lead to unreliable results.
- In order to allow exporting producers in Armenia and the PRC to submit a claim for market economy treatment (MET) or individual treatment (IT), if they so wished, the Commission sent claim forms to the Armenian exporting producer and Chinese exporting producers known to be concerned, the Armenian and Chinese authorities and to other Chinese exporting producers that made themselves known within the deadlines set out in the notice of initiation.