Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • gif tegen knaagdieren
  • a very poisonous metallic element that has three allotropic forms; arsenic and arsenic compounds are used as herbicides and insecticides and various alloys; found in arsenopyrite and orpiment and realgar



Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • arsenicum, arseen
  • a very poisonous metallic element that has three allotropic forms; arsenic and arsenic compounds are used as herbicides and insecticides and various alloys; found in arsenopyrite and orpiment and realgar



Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • a white powdered poisonous trioxide of arsenic; used in manufacturing glass and as a pesticide (rat poison) and weed killer




    1. Be careful, don't remove the cap. It's arsenic!
    2. On the inquest it was shown that Buck Fanshaw, in the delirium of a wasting typhoid fever, had taken arsenic, shot himself through the body, cut his throat, and jumped out of a four-story window and broken his neck—and after due deliberation, the jury, sad and tearful, but with intelligence unblinded by its sorrow, brought in a verdict of death "by the visitation of God." What could the world do without juries?
    3. arsenic
    4. Arsenic
    5. Arsenic pentoxide; arsenic oxide
    6. Arsenic Compounds
    7. Arsenic compounds
    8. Arsenic and its compounds
    9. Arsenic, cadmium and nickel
    10. Arsenic: ≤ 2 mg/kg
    11. Arsenic 0,5 ppm
    12. Arsenic [1] [2]
    13. Diarsenic trioxide; arsenic trioxide
    14. Arsenic and its compounds.
    15. arsenic, boron and copper,