Betekenis van:
at heart

at heart
    • in reality
    "she is very kind at heart"



    1. He is kind at heart.
    2. I am sick at heart.
    3. He is young at heart.
    4. He is a kind man at heart.
    5. He was a good fellow at heart.
    6. He is a good fellow at heart.
    7. He had national welfare at heart.
    8. Feel light at heart; feel happy.
    9. His heart beat fast at the news.
    10. They are all good men at heart.
    11. He is a good man at heart.
    12. All humans are good at heart.
    13. He is not a liar at heart.
    14. My heart pounded at the future excitement.
    15. Haru's always been like that; he's very kind at heart.