Betekenis van:

to automate
  • geschikt maken voor verwerking door een computer
  • make automatic or control or operate automatically
"automate the movement of the robot"




to automate
  • automatiseren
  • make automatic or control or operate automatically
"automate the movement of the robot"





  1. I'm always going to be looking for ways to use technology to automate or improve production, to make projects replicable by others.
  2. The Polish authorities indicate that the investments planned for 2010-2014 are designed to modernise the design and production management system, automate the assembling process for standard fixtures, improve the quality of products, optimise technological production processes and the thermal and chemical treatment of products and improve measurement and control methods.
  3. This is confirmed by the company's own website, which states that the project was carried out to automate the cutting process, which would allow the company to produce high-quality slate at lower cost and would thus increase the competitiveness of the company.
  4. The grant supported the company in modernising its production process by setting up new installations. This is confirmed by the company's own website, which states that the project was carried out to automate the cutting process, which would allow the company to produce high-quality slate at lower cost and would thus increase the competitiveness of the company.