Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • Baskische taal
  • the language of the Basque people; of no known relation to any other language


Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • a member of a people of unknown origin living in the western Pyrenees in France and Spain



    1. I love Basque.
    2. I am learning Basque.
    3. I'm teaching Basque.
    4. I'm learning Basque.
    5. I'm learning the Basque language.
    6. Spain is called "Espainia" in Basque.
    7. She can speak both Spanish and Basque.
    8. What time is your Basque class?
    9. I know Spanish, Basque and some English.
    10. I translated the article from Spanish into Basque.
    11. Bilbao is a city in the Basque Country
    12. Donostia is a city in the Basque Country.
    13. There are over 800,000 Basque speakers in the world.
    14. Today we have many new translations in Galician and Basque.
    15. There are many ergative languages in the world, and Basque is one of them.