Betekenis van:
bone fat

bone fat
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • beendervet
  • fatty matter in bones extracted with solvents or by boiling or steaming; used chiefly in candles and cheap soaps and in lubricating greases




  1. The aid may also be granted for half-carcasses presented as Wiltshire sides, i.e. without the head, cheek, chap, feet, tail, flare fat, kidney, tenderloin, blade bone, sternum, vertebral column, pelvic bone and diaphragm.
  2. The aid may also be granted for half-carcases presented as Wiltshire sides, i.e. without the head, cheek, chap, feet, tail, flare fat, kidney, tenderloin, blade bone, sternum, vertebral column, pelvic bone and diaphragm.
  3. Trimming: remove the heavy cartilage adjacent to the bone joint, the popiteal lymph node, attached fat and tendon; the external fat cover must not exceed one centimetre at any point.
  4. Trimming: remove the pizzle butt, the adjacent gristle and the scrotal (superficial inguinal) gland; remove the cartilage and connective tissues associated with the pelvic bone; the external fat cover must not exceed one centimetre at any point.
  5. Such an evaluation method of the carcass shall include, but not be limited to, an evaluation of the maturity characteristics of colour and texture of the longissimus dorsi muscle and bone and cartilage ossification, as well as an evaluation of expected palatability traits, including a combination of the discrete specifications of intramuscular fat and firmness of the longissimus dorsi muscle.