Betekenis van:
buffer solution

buffer solution
Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • a solution containing a buffer




    1. pH 3,5 buffer solution.
    2. Phosphate buffer solution, c = 0,01 mol/l.
    3. Ammonium acetate buffer solution, approximately 0,25 mol/l.
    4. Acetate buffer solution, c = 0,01 mol/l, pH = 6,0.
    5. Mix 5 ml of phosphate buffer solution (3.7) with 95 ml of methanol (3.5).
    6. Mixture of phosphate buffer solution (3.7) and methanol (3.5), 5+95 (V+V)
    7. Mixture of acetate buffer solution (3.9) and acetonitrile (3.2), 825 + 175 (v+v)
    8. Add 2 ml of the pH 3,5 buffer solution (paragraph 2.1.4); mix.
    9. HPLC mobile phase, phosphate buffer-methanol solution 5 + 95 (V + V).
    10. Mix 825 ml of acetate buffer solution (3.9) with 175 ml of acetonitrile (3.2).
    11. Prepare an alkaline phosphatase substrate solution containing 1 mg p-nitrophenyl phosphate per ml of substrate buffer (Appendix 4).
    12. Prepare a solution of 5 ml of amyloglucosidase-solution (4.3) or 660 mg amyloglucosidase powder in a final volume of 100 ml by using sodium acetate buffer (4.9).
    13. The standard solution is diluted with citrate buffer to give peak areas in the middle of the range.
    14. Place 10,0 ml of the resulting solution into a 100 ml beaker and adjust the pH to 2,20 using sodium hydroxide solution (3.18), transfer to a volumetric flask of appropriate volume using citrate buffer (3.24), and make up to the mark with the buffer solution (3.24).
    15. Mix 500 ml of acetonitrile (3.1) with 300 ml of ammonium acetate buffer solution (3.18) and 1200 ml of water (3.14).