Betekenis van:
- Bufo periglenes (I)
- Bufo superciliaris (I)
- Bufo marinus (Marine toad)
- Mr Marco BUFO
- Golden toad Bufo superciliaris (I)
- Bufo periglenes (I) Golden toad
- Semi-terrestrial anurans, e.g., Bufo marinus: Minimum enclosure dimensions and space allowances
- They differ greatly in their patterns of geographic distribution and in the diversity of living types, such as aquatic (for example, Xenopus laevis), semi-aquatic (for example, Rana temporaria), semi-terrestrial (for example, Bufo marinus) and arboreal (for example, Hyla cinerea).
- Rafetus swinhoei (III China) Yangtze softshell turtle AMPHIBIA Amphibians ANURA Frogs and toads Bufonidae Toads Altiphrynoides spp. (I) Malcolm's Ethiopian toad Atelopus zeteki (I) Golden frog Bufo periglenes (I) Golden toad Bufo superciliaris (I) Cameroon toad Nectophrynoides spp. (I) African viviparous toads Nimbaphrynoides spp. (I) Nimba toads Spinophrynoides spp. (I) Osgood's Ethiopian toad Dendrobatidae Poison frogs Allobates femoralis (II) Brilliant-thighed poison frog Allobates zaparo (II) Sanguine poison frog Cryptophyllobates azureiventris (II) Sky-blue poison frog Dendrobates spp. (II) Poison-arrow frogs Epipedobates spp. (II) Poison-arrow frogs Phyllobates spp. (II) Poison-arrow frogs Mantellidae Mantella frogs Mantella spp. (II) Mantella frogs Microhylidae Tomato frogs Dyscophus antongilii (I) Tomato frog Scaphiophryne gottlebei (II) Red rain frog Ranidae Frogs Conraua goliath Goliath frog Euphlyctis hexadactylus (II) Six-fingered frog Hoplobatrachus tigerinus (II) Tiger frog Rana catesbeiana American bullfrog Rheobatrachidae Gastric brooding frogs Rheobatrachus spp.