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building code
- The ‘MBA code’ column should make reference to the MBA code to which the building in this entry belongs.
- Under Section 127 et seq. of the Federal Building Code (Baugesetzbuch), municipalities have to bear at least 10 % of eligible development costs.
- building on the new Labour Code, make permanent contracts more attractive to employers as well as employees, and counter the segmentation of the labour market,
- The interface between the Code, the MTCR and bilateral and regional confidence building measure arrangements in pursuit of the goal of missile non-proliferation as well as between the Code and the UN system (UNGA),
- That Common Position calls, inter alia, for the promotion of the subscription of as many countries as possible to the Code, especially those with ballistic missile capabilities, as well as for the further development and implementation of the Code, especially its confidence building measures, and for the promotion of a closer relationship between the Code and the UN multilateral non-proliferation system.
- While the Code represents an important instrument for curbing the proliferation of ballistic missiles and related technologies through confidence-building and transparency measures, more needs to be done to promote better exchanges among subscribing States.
- better understanding of the interface between the Code, the MTCR and bilateral and regional arrangements concerning confidence building measures in pursuit of the goal of missile non-proliferation and a definition of policy recommendations,
- The European Union considers the Code as an important multilateral instrument which aims at curbing the proliferation of ballistic missiles systems and related technologies through transparency and confidence building measures.
- The products resulting from the first-stage processing of raw float glass are intermediate goods used in the manufacture of safety glass (statistical code CN 7007 — consisting of toughened (tempered) or laminated glass) and of multiple-walled insulating units of glass for the building industry (statistical code CN 7008 — consisting of at least two panes of glass separated by one or more hermetically sealed spaces enclosing dehydrated air and/or other gases).
- In order to enable more specific implementation of the general principle contained in the framework agreement, and building on the experience of point 3.10 in the 1995 Code of Conduct between the Commission and the European Parliament, the two institutions agree on the following measures:
- Common Position 96/184/CFSP should therefore be repealed, on the understanding that the Member States rigorously apply the EU Code of Conduct on arms exports adopted on 8 June 1998, and, as regards exports to the former Yugoslavia, take into account the objectives of the EU policy in the region, which is aimed fundamentally at pacification and stabilisation in the area, including the need for arms control, reduction of arms to the lowest possible level and confidence-building measures,
- The Money Laundering (Jersey) Order 2008 supplemented by the Handbook for the prevention and detection of money laundering and the financing of terrorism, the Bailiwick of Guernsey’s Criminal Justice (Proceeds of Crime) Regulations 2007 supplemented by the Handbook for financial services businesses on countering financial crime and terrorist financing, and the Isle of Man’s Criminal Justice (Money Laundering) Code 2007 supplemented by the Anti-money laundering guidance notes handbook, respectively contribute to the building of a sound anti-money laundering regime in these three jurisdictions.
- In order to enable more specific implementation of the general principle contained in the framework agreement, and building on the experience of point 3.10 in the 1995 Code of Conduct between the Commission and the European Parliament, the two institutions agree on the following measures: INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS 2. In relation to international agreements, including trade agreements (the preparation phase for such agreements, draft negotiating directives and the adopted negotiating directives) the Commission shall provide early and clear briefing of the European Parliament in order to be able to take due account of the European Parliament's views in so far as possible.