Betekenis van:
canis aureus
- Canis aureus (III India)
- Canis aureus (III India) Golden jackal
- Canis aureus (III India) Golden jackal Canis lupus(I/II)
- Canis aureus (III India) Golden jackal
- Dogs, foxes, wolves Canis aureus (III India) Golden jackal
- (Except for the species included in Annex A and excluding the populations of Pecari tajacu of Mexico and the United States, which are not included in the Annexes to this Regulation) Peccaries Catagonus wagneri (I) Chacoan peccary CARNIVORA Ailuridae Ailurus fulgens (I) Red panda Canidae Dogs, foxes, wolves Canis aureus (III India) Golden jackal