Betekenis van:
capital letter

capital letter
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • letter zoals aan het begin v.e. zin; lettersoort; hoofdletter
  • one of the large alphabetic characters used as the first letter in writing or printing proper names and sometimes for emphasis




capital letter
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • hoofdletter aan het begin van een woord of zin
  • one of the large alphabetic characters used as the first letter in writing or printing proper names and sometimes for emphasis





  1. Sentences begin with a capital letter.
  2. You must begin a sentence with a capital letter.
  3. I think, due to its importance, coffee should have at least one capital letter.
  4. Note that German nouns are always written with a capital letter.
  5. A capital letter is used at the beginning of a sentence.
  6. Unit of resistance is ohm and its symbol is same with the capital letter Omega in Greek alphabet. It's "Ω".
  7. When writing a sentence, generally you start with a capital letter and finish with a period (.), an exclamation mark (!), or a question mark (?).
  8. BAKred had acknowledged by letter of 15 August 1991 that LSH's liable equity capital had increased by DEM 1559,44 million as a result of IB's capital reserve.
  9. a green sticker at least 12,5 mm × 12,5 mm square bearing a capital letter ‘M’ printed in black;
  10. According to Germany, BAKred refused, by letter of 25 May 1999, to recognise the special-purpose real-estate reserve as core capital for supervisory purposes, deeming it to constitute a capital reserve but not equity capital.
  11. The Federal Ministry of Finance issued a letter [5] (hereinafter letter of 2003) on the distinction between trading activities and asset management activities of venture capital funds and private equity funds (hereinafter VCF/PEF).
  12. The indigenous manufacturer of capital goods specified in the invalidation letter becomes eligible for deemed export benefit and is entitled for the benefit of duty-free import of components required to manufacture such capital goods.
  13. Moreover, the Greek authorities noted that, when capitalised, the amounts intended for the increase of capital, are only subject to capital duty at 1 %, and are thus not taxed at 10 % as stated in the Commission’s letter.
  14. The transfer increased LBB's liable equity capital recognised for supervisory purposes by letter of 24 February 1993 by some DEM 1,9 billion.
  15. By letter of 25 November 1986, Greece notified to the Commission a capital injection of USD 58,3 millions by ETVA into HSY.