Betekenis van:

to capitalise
  • te gelde maken
  • convert (a company's reserve funds) into capital




to capitalise
    • consider expenditures as capital assets rather than expenses



    to capitalise
      • supply with capital, as of a business by using a combination of capital used by investors and debt capital provided by lenders



      to capitalise
        • draw advantages from



        to capitalise
          • write in capital letters



          to capitalise
            • compute the present value of a business or an income





            1. To develop the image and reputation of Community flax and to capitalise its distinctive qualities
            2. To develop the image and reputation of Community flax and to capitalise on its distinctive qualities
            3. In order to capitalise fully on these advantages while preserving the security of exchanges, a common computer system may be established by the Commission.
            4. to allow additional flexibility for companies benefiting from Irish tonnage tax (hereafter ‘Irish tonnage tax companies’) engaged in tonnage tax activities to capitalise on market conditions where otherwise they would be in breach of tonnage tax conditions;
            5. In order to capitalise on the experience of international financial institutions and in particular the EIB and the EIF, the Facility should be established on the basis of joint management.
            6. 8 An entity shall capitalise borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset as part of the cost of that asset.
            7. The Commission will be able to capitalise on the technical work carried out by the agency by developing in parallel, in an appropriate manner, tasks which involve making policy judgments.
            8. The Commission will be able to capitalise on the technical work carried out by the agency, by developing, in parallel and in an appropriate manner, tasks which require political discretion.
            9. In the long term the theme aims to capitalise on the enormous prospects of nano-sciences and nano-technologies for the creation of a true knowledge-based industry and economy.
            10. As regards the commitment of HMT to FSA that NR will operate above capital requirements, it can be considered as equivalent to a commitment to capitalise the bank in future that will materialize as a capital injection of BankCo after the split-up.
            11. It should be possible for the name of the medicinal product that has been granted a Paediatric Use Marketing Authorisation to retain the existing brand name of the corresponding product authorised for adults, in order to capitalise on existing brand recognition, while benefiting from the data exclusivity associated with a new marketing authorisation.
            12. Indeed, Deutsche Bank in its study quoted above states ‘Surely the risk is that ... Mediaset is helping undermine its own terrestrial franchise... we believe that... as analogue TV will be switched off, it is far more sensible to capitalise on the opportunity created by the technological pay-TV hardware vacuum arising due largely to Italy's unique broadcasting infrastructure.
            13. Steps should be taken to capitalise on the experience acquired by the Member States in the transmission of the accounting statements referred to in Article 6(3)(a) and (b) of Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1150/2000 and to improve the presentation of the forms used to that end.
            14. Steps should also be taken to capitalise on the experience acquired by the Member States in producing the accounting statements provided for in Article 6(3)(a) and (b) of Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1150/2000 and to improve the presentation of the forms drawn up in line with the models contained in Annexes I and III to Decision 97/245/EC, Euratom.
            15. This view held by the Commission seems to be shared by certain financial operators. Indeed, Deutsche Bank in its study quoted above states ‘Surely the risk is that ... Mediaset is helping undermine its own terrestrial franchise... we believe that... as analogue TV will be switched off, it is far more sensible to capitalise on the opportunity created by the technological pay-TV hardware vacuum arising due largely to Italy's unique broadcasting infrastructure.