Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • the destructive distillation of coal (as in coke ovens)




    1. semi-coke: obtained by carbonisation at low temperatures,
    2. hard coke: obtained by carbonisation at high temperatures,
    3. (A tar obtained from low temperature carbonisation and low temperature gasification of brown coal.
    4. Semi-coke (a solid product obtained from carbonisation of coal at low temperature) should be included in this category.
    5. (A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the treatment of lignite carbonisation tar with activated carbon for removal of trace constituents and impurities.
    6. The solid product obtained from carbonisation of coal, principally coking coal, at high temperature, it is low in moisture and volatile matter.
    7. (A tar obtained from low temperature carbonisation and low temperature gasification of brown coal. Composed primarily of aliphatic, naphthenic and cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, heteroaromatic hydrocarbons and cyclic phenols.)
    8. (The low-boiling distillation fraction obtained from the high temperature carbonisation of bituminous coal, which is further refined to remove excess crystalline salts.
    9. (The high-boiling distillation fraction obtained from the high temperature carbonisation of bituminous coal which is further refined to remove excess crystalline salts.
    10. (A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the treatment of lignite carbonisation tar with silicic acid for removal of trace constituents and impurities.
    11. (A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained by the treatment of lignite carbonisation tar with bentonite for removal of trace constituents and impurities.
    12. (A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained from lignite carbonisation tar by solvent crystallisation (solvent deoiling), by sweating or an adducting process.
    13. Creosote oil, low-boiling distillate; Wash oil (The low-boiling distillation fraction obtained from the high temperature carbonisation of bituminous coal, which is further refined to remove excess crystalline salts.
    14. Semi-coke (a solid product obtained from carbonisation of coal at low temperature) should be included in this category. Semi-coke is used as a domestic fuel or by the transformation plant itself.
    15. Production of carbon black involving the carbonisation of organic substances such as oils, tars, cracker and distillation residues, where combustion units with a total rated thermal input exceeding 20 MW are operated