Betekenis van:
cargo vessel

cargo vessel
Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • a ship designed to carry cargo





    1. A cargo vessel, bound for Athens, sank in the Mediterranean without a trace.
    2. Auxiliary hospital; cargo; tanker; ro-ro vessel
    3. EUR 2400 per vessel, with a cargo of products up to 2000 tonnes,
    4. EUR 600 per vessel, with a cargo of fishery products up to 500 tonnes,
    5. the name of the cargo vessel as given in the Thai export certificate;
    6. EUR 2400 per vessel, with a cargo of fishery products up to 2000 tonnes,
    7. EUR 3600 per vessel, with a cargo of fishery products of more than 2000 tonnes.
    8. Voyage related information, such as length and beam of vessel combination, hazardous cargo on board;
    9. the name of the cargo vessel as given in the Thai export certificate,
    10. EUR 1200 per vessel, with a cargo of fishery products up to 1000 tonnes,
    11. EUR 600 per vessel, with a cargo of products up to 500 tonnes,
    12. EUR 3600 per vessel, with a cargo products of more than 2000 tonnes.
    13. EUR 1200 per vessel, with a cargo of products up to 1000 tonnes,
    14. Also called ‘parcel services’. A part cargo service carries cargo of several customers who do not import sufficient quantities to make it economical to charter a vessel independently.
    15. A part cargo service carries cargo of several customers who do not import sufficient quantities to make it economical to charter a vessel independently.