Betekenis van:
chicken out

to chicken out
  • terugkrabbelen, achteruitkrabbelen
  • remove oneself from an obligation





  1. I didn't chicken out.
  2. You chicken out again, you coward?
  3. We pigged out on pizza and chicken at lunchtime.
  4. Other restaurants serve chicken without anything that makes it stand out.
  5. Fresh turkey and chicken meat fulfilling the requirements as set out in paragraph 2 shall be accompanied by the health certificate laid down in Annex VI to Council Directive 71/118/EEC [7], which shall include under point IV(a) of the certificate the following attestation of the official veterinarian:‘The turkey meat/chicken meat described above is in accordance with Decision 2004/666/EC.
  6. Fresh meat of turkey and chicken complying with the conditions set out in Article 9 shall be accompanied by a health certificate in accordance with the model set out in Annex VI to l Directive 71/118/EEC, which shall include under point IV (a) of that certificate the following attestation of the official veterinarian: