Betekenis van:
clear out

to clear out
  • opruimen; mest verwijderen uit
  • empty completely




to clear out
  • leeghalen om op te ruimen
  • empty completely




to clear out
    • move out and leave nothing behind


    to clear out
      • clear out the chest and lungs





      1. Let's clear out the attic.
      2. I told him to clear out of the room.
      3. We have come to the clear realization of the fact that true individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence. Necessitous men are not free men. People who are hungry and out of job are the stuff of which dictatorships are made. (Roosevelt, 1944)
      4. Examples of ‘clear grounds’ are set out in Annex V.
      5. The Guidelines set out clear conditions for such aid.
      6. In the case in point, it is clear that the undertakings carried out the investments in question without the aid.
      7. In respect of the reporting problems, it is pointed out that the company received clear instructions on how to report.
      8. The authorising officers shall make budgetary and legal commitments, clear and authorise expenditure and carry out actions prior to this implementation of appropriations.
      9. a clear, exhaustive and well detailed estimated budget of the expenses in relation to the corresponding activities carried out by each body taking part to the joint project,
      10. A clear, exhaustive and well detailed estimated budget of the expenses in relation to the corresponding activities carried out by each body taking part to the joint project.
      11. This is further emphasised by the clear and precise language of the undertaking itself, in which all the reporting obligations are set out.
      12. Therefore, it is necessary to set out clear rules specifying where the payments of fees, commissions and non-monetary benefits are not considered a violation of those principles.
      13. (This is an example of misuse which is reasonably foreseeable and should, therefore, have been designed out, or clear warnings provided.)
      14. The analysis carried out in recitals 90 to 126 of the provisional Regulation shows a clear deterioration which in fact took place over a certain period of time.
      15. It is also clear that the company was running out of cash and that it had an unusual balance sheet situation with a permanent negative own capital.