Betekenis van:
closed book
closed book
Zelfstandig naamwoord
- ondoorgrondelijk raadsel; moeilijk te doorgronden iets
- something that baffles understanding and cannot be explained
- Listen to me carefully with your book closed.
- She shut the book and closed her eyes.
- Neither the lexicon nor the pattern-book of English is closed.
- the amount of the aid does not exceed the residual book value of the plants to be closed, ignoring that portion of any revaluation since 1 January 2002 which exceeds the national inflation rate.
- Commission Decision 90/255/EEC of 10 May 1990 laying down the criteria governing entry in flock-books for pure-bred breeding sheep and goats [2], provides that breeders’ associations and organisations may decide to enter males of certain breeds, which are specified in a closed list, in an annex to the flock-book.