Betekenis van:
concert hall

concert hall
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • plaats voor concerten
  • a hall where concerts are given



  1. The concert hall was alive with fans.
  2. I enjoyed the concert except that the hall was cold.
  3. The new concert hall is a tall, modern, structure.
  4. The excited audience ran into the concert hall.
  5. There was a large audience in the concert hall.
  6. I went to the public hall to listen to the jazz concert.
  7. They sat in the front row of the concert hall and heard the orchestra clearly.
  8. The concert hall was so jam-packed there wasn't room to breathe.
  9. When we went to the hall, the concert had already begun.
  10. People came to the concert hall to listen to the famous orchestra.
  11. Tom was able to park a half a block away from the concert hall.
  12. Not a sound was to be heard in the concert hall.
  13. Being at the concert hall full of young kids made an old duffer like me feel out of tune.