Betekenis van:
cost-benefit analysis
- Cost-benefit analysis:
- Part C - Cost-benefit analysis
- Cost-benefit analysis (including financial analysis):
- Cost-benefit analysis: 3. Environmental impact assessment:
- A review shall include a cost-benefit analysis.
- comparison of the alternatives, including cost-benefit analysis;
- Methodology for the Cost-Benefit Analysis for CAFE: Volume 1: Overview of Methodology.
- The cost-benefit analysis of the proposed measures will take into consideration, among others, the following:
- adoption of a method of cost-benefit analysis of the solutions set out in the TSIs;
- development of a method of cost-benefit analysis of the solutions set out in the TSIs;
- programme evaluation and cost-benefit analysis of specific projects of common interest and horizontal measures.
- If the project has already started, indicate the current state of works: E. COST-BENEFIT ANALYSIS
- Those guidelines should in particular examine the feasibility, including a cost/benefit analysis, to require:
- The cost/benefit analysis shall cover a period of ten years.