Betekenis van:

to counteract
  • verzwakken; onder de grond brengen
  • destroy property or hinder normal operations




to counteract
  • stuk maken uit protest
  • destroy property or hinder normal operations




to counteract
  • van zijn steun beroven
  • destroy property or hinder normal operations




to counteract
  • zich verzetten tegen iem. of iets
  • act in opposition to



to counteract
  • tegenstreven; tegenwerken; weigeren mee te werken; hinderlijk zijn voor iemand; tegenwerken
  • act in opposition to



to counteract
  • neutraliseren, opvangen
  • oppose and mitigate the effects of by contrary actions
"This will counteract the foolish actions of my colleagues"




to counteract
    • oppose or check by a counteraction




    1. Reality and dreams counteract each other.
    2. Where appropriate, the progress report may include recommendations and measures to counteract the negative effects of market dominance and market concentration.
    3. It is important to recall that antidumping measures were imposed in 2006 to counteract the injurious dumping caused by imports from a number of other countries.
    4. Carsid has no offsetting competitive advantage to counteract those penalties: it will sell commodity products into an over-supplied market, while other producers are better placed for exports.
    5. A countervailing measure shall remain in force only as long as, and to the extent that, it is necessary to counteract the countervailable subsidies which are causing injury.
    6. The request contained sufficient prima facie evidence that dumping and injury had recurred and that the existing measures were no longer sufficient to counteract the injurious dumping.
    7. The Commission concluded that although these studies had some limitations, they indicated a potential for such competitors to counteract anticompetitive behaviour of the combined entity.
    8. In order to prevent or counteract adverse effects on the Community market which could result from imports of certain agricultural products, imports of such products should be subject to payment of an additional duty, if certain conditions are fulfilled.
    9. It was also discovered that the efficiency gains brought about by the proposed transaction would most likely not benefit directly consumers and would thus not counteract the adverse effects on competition.
    10. Electricity demand is the fastest growing energy end use category and is projected to grow within the next 20 to 30 years, in the absence of any policy action to counteract this trend.
    11. Taking action to counteract a risk may also depend on the product itself and the ‘minimum risks compatible with the product’s use, considered to be acceptable and consistent with a high level of protection’ [35].
    12. It is therefore considered that, pursuant to Article 19 of the basic Regulation, the measures currently in force are no longer sufficient to counteract the countervailable subsidies which are causing the injury to the Community industry.
    13. The applicants alleged that, in regard to imports of PET film from Garware, the level of existing countervailing measures was no longer sufficient to counteract the injurious subsidisation, as the circumstances regarding the subsidisation of Garware had changed significantly.
    14. For example, an interim review could lead to an increase of measures, in line with Article 19(2) of the basic Regulation, if the existing ones were insufficient to counteract a countervailable subsidy.
    15. In accordance with Article 19(2) of the basic Regulation, it was examined whether the continuation of the existing measure would not be sufficient to counteract the countervailable subsidy which is causing injury.