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cover letter

cover letter
Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • a letter sent along with other documents to provide additional information




    1. Under cover of its letter, the Commission forwarded its expert’s report to the French authorities.
    2. , Leipzig Airport sought, but was unable to cover the risks eventually addressed by the comfort letter through private financial institutions.
    3. The Notice of Initiation as well as the cover letter attached to the sampling form drew the attention of the consequences of non-cooperation.
    4. By letter dated 4 May 2005 the Commission informed Belgium of its decision to extend proceeding No C 53/03 to cover the new information notified.
    5. The comments received from the Swedish Government by letter dated 9 July 2003 cover explicitly the period requested by the Commission.
    6. A letter of intent obliges IFB to make contributions to the current account in order to cover the operational losses of DPD.
    7. By letter dated 16 November 1993, Germany forwarded a letter dated 29 October 1993 from KWW explaining that the loss cover of about EUR 230,08 million (DEM 450 million) relates not to 12 but 16 shipbuilding contracts for ships.
    8. By letter of 6 June 2008, Poland informed the Commission that the Government had adopted a decision on 3 June 2008 to contribute capital of PLN 515 million to Gdynia Shipyard, partly to cover anticipated losses on existing shipbuilding contracts.
    9. For example, with regard to apple production, a letter received by the Commission in April 2002 refers to aid for export outside the Community which was allegedly paid under cover of aid for marketing.
    10. In the case of a proposal involving classified information (background and/or foreground), a ‘Security Aspect Letter’ (SAL) [47] and its annexed ‘Security Classification Guide’ (SCG) [48] must be part of the proposal. The SCG will cover:
    11. In the present case neither condition is met: Germany submitted that Leipzig Airport sought, but was unable to, cover the risks eventually addressed by the comfort letter through private financial institutions [8].
    12. By letter dated 14 May 2004, which was confirmed on 3 June 2004, the French authorities stressed that the opening decision did not cover all the facts forming the subject-matter of the Commission's investigation.
    13. According to its reply, by letter dated 30 June 1999, Germany did not recover the difference from KWW. Germany further explained that the amount for loss cover was granted and approved as a lump sum so that any difference could be kept by KWW.
    14. By letter of 30 May 2008 the Italian authorities informed the Commission that, by means of the aforementioned Decree-Law No 93, the Italian Government had given Alitalia the option of counting the value of the loan as part of its capital, in order to cover its losses (see Article 4(3) of the aforementioned Decree-Law).
    15. In the case of the 70 names included in the Annex III to this Decision, the Commission asked the German authorities, by a letter on 20 July 2004, to provide additional information, in particular on details of control bodies, willingness of producers to cover inspection costs and structures guaranteeing the marketing of the water under a single name.