Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • kruisverwijzing
  • a reference at one place in a work to information at another place in the same work




  1. Cross-section through the reference plane
  2. Cross-section through the reference plane Dimensions in mm
  3. the underlying obligation and reference obligation share the same obligor and have legally enforceable cross‐default or cross‐acceleration clauses;
  4. Where relevant, cross reference shall be made to data set out in Part 3.
  5. Where relevant, cross reference shall be made to the data set out in Part 4.
  6. Where pharmacokinetic studies have been submitted under Part 3 cross reference to such studies may be made.
  7. For the purposes of traceability a cross-reference table relating this document with the original prEN 15437 is included
  8. The reference cross section areas of the interoperable trains to be considered is to be, independently to each motor or trailer vehicle:
  9. The Agency shall draw up a draft for a reference document cross-referencing all the national rules applied by the Member States for placing vehicles in service.
  10. ‘international investment position’ shall mean the balance sheet that reports, with the appropriate breakdown, the stock of cross-border financial assets and liabilities at a reference date,
  11. The Agency shall draw up a recommendation for a reference document cross-referencing all the national rules applied by the Member States for placing vehicles in service.
  12. Developing European cooperation on rare diseases, in particular regarding their recognition, shared information on them, and cross-border cooperation in diagnosis and treatment through European reference networks.
  13. A summary of the pharmacokinetic data shall be submitted with cross reference to the pharmacokinetic studies in target species submitted in Part 4.
  14. Conformity shall be proven on the basis of full-scale tests, carried out at reference speed or at a higher speed in a tunnel with a cross-sectional area as close to the reference case as possible.
  15. the underlying obligation and the reference obligation or the obligation used for purposes of determining whether a credit event has occurred, as the case may be, share the same obligor (i.e., the same legal entity) and there are in place legally enforceable cross-default or cross-acceleration clauses.