Betekenis van:

to cumulate
  • tot een stapel aangroeien
  • collect or gather




to cumulate
  • aanstuiven
  • collect or gather




to cumulate
  • samenscholen
  • collect or gather





  1. Can risks cumulate?
  2. Cumulate quantity since the beginning of the current GATT year (Tonnes)
  3. Cumulate refund amount since the beginning of the current GATT year (1 000 EUR)
  4. Cumulate quantity since the beginning of the current quota year (Tonnes)
  5. The Commission shall ensure that applicants' attention is drawn to the fact that they cannot cumulate subsidies from different Community funds.
  6. The fact that the import levels from the various countries are not identical, is not as such a reason to de-cumulate.
  7. According to the Icelandic authorities, with the splitting of the former Pension Fund of State Employees into Section A and B, the fund was made self-sustaining and would no longer cumulate a negative balance between premiums and commitments which would eventually have to be made up by the National Treasury [15].
  8. Member States are recommended to require management companies or investment companies to cumulate counterparty risk with issuer risk versus the same entity or group for the application of the 20 % NAV-limit pursuant to the second subparagraph of Article 22(2)and Article 22(5) of Directive 85/611/EEC.
  9. It argued that it sufficed that the dumping margin of the Turkish imports were significantly above the de minimis threshold and that the volume of the imports was not negligible to cumulate those imports with other dumped imports from the RM and the PRC.
  10. By way of derogation from Article 4(1) of Directive 2003/109/EC, the EU Blue Card holder having made use of the possibility provided for in Article 18 of this Directive is allowed to cumulate periods of residence in different Member States in order to fulfil the requirement concerning the duration of residence, if the following conditions are met: