Betekenis van:
Zelfstandig naamwoord
- plotselinge ziekte of emotie; belediging
- a sudden loss of consciousness resulting when the rupture or occlusion of a blood vessel leads to oxygen lack in the brain
Zelfstandig naamwoord
- attaque; bloeding in de hersenen
- a sudden loss of consciousness resulting when the rupture or occlusion of a blood vessel leads to oxygen lack in the brain
- CVA = C x (1-HC-HFX)
- CVAM = CVA x (t-t*)/(T-t*)
- CVA is the volatility-adjusted value of the collateral.
- In its application, CVA uses the national market as relevant market for retail supply of electricity.
- CVAM is CVA further adjusted for any maturity mismatch in accordance with the provisions of Part 4.
- CVA = C x (1-HC-HFX) The volatility-adjusted value of the exposure to be taken into account is calculated as follows:
- CVA is the volatility adjusted value of the collateral as specified in Part 3, point 33 or the amount of the exposure, whichever is the lowest;
- The request submitted by CVA, a public undertaking within the meaning of Directive 2004/17/EC, concerns the following activities, as described in the request:
- Having regard to the request submitted by the Compagnia Valdostana delle Acque SpA — Compagnie valdôtaine des eaux SpA (hereinafter ‘CVA’) by e-mail of 15 February 2010,
- The Commission requested additional information of the Italian Authorities by e-mail of 15 April 2010, and of CVA by e-mail of 15 April 2010.
- On 15 February 2010, CVA transmitted a request pursuant to Article 30(5) of Directive 2004/17/EC to the Commission by e-mail.
- The Commission requested additional information of the Italian Authorities by e-mail of 15 April 2010, and of CVA by e-mail of 15 April 2010. Additional information was transmitted by the Italian authorities by e-mail of 10 May 2010 and of 20 May 2010 and, following a prolongation of the initial deadline, by CVA on 7 May 2010.
- CVAM shall be taken as CVA further adjusted for maturity mismatch to be included in the formula for the calculation of the fully adjusted value of the exposure (E*) set out at Part 3, point 33.
- Additional information was transmitted by the Italian authorities by e-mail of 10 May 2010 and of 20 May 2010 and, following a prolongation of the initial deadline, by CVA on 7 May 2010.
- As recalled in recital 2 above, the request submitted by CVA concerns production and wholesale of electricity, in the entire territory of the Italian Republic, or alternatively in the Macro-zone North.