Betekenis van:
date of reference
- the continuing appropriateness of the reference date.
- Date and reference number of previous answer
- Reference: our E 116 form of …. (date)
- Reference: your E 115 form of ….….. (date)
- Date of reply and reference number:
- Reference date/method of calculation by scheme
- Date of request and reference number:
- Reference: our E 116 form of …. (date) 2.
- Reference: your E 115 form of ….….. (date) 3. Employed person
- Reference: your E 115 form of ….….. (date) 3.
- Identification of the document(s) attached (example: reference, date, title, …):
- date of and reference to any relevant Commission documents
- Date (dd/mm/yyyy) and reference number of the decision: …
- Identification of the document(s) attached (example: reference, date, title, …)
- Date and reference number of the authentic instrument: …