Betekenis van:

to de-access
    • dispose of by selling



    1. Access restriction decree Hinderplaat, Bollen van de Ooster, Bollen van het Nieuwe Zand
    2. In particular, the SMP operator should provide third-party access seekers with end-to-end ordering, provisioning and fault management systems equivalent to those provided to internal access seekers. This should include measures aimed at de-congestioning currently used ducts.
    3. Access to ‘Bollen van de Ooster’, located within the Voordelta as shown on the map accompanying this decree, is to be restricted.
    4. Restricted access to Bollen van de Ooster applies throughout the whole of the year to the smaller summer resting area as indicated on the map.
    5. Measures restricting access are designed to create a more restful environment in the summer period on the Voordelta tidal plains at Hinderplaat and Bollen van de Ooster.
    6. Restricted access to Bollen van de Ooster applies to all types of activities with the exception of the activities listed below:
    7. Areas to which access has been restricted by virtue of this decree are shown on the associated map titled ‘Toegangsbeperkingsbesluit Hinderplaat, Bollen van de Ooster en Bollen van het Nieuwe Zand’ [access restriction decree, Hinderplaat, Bollen van de Ooster and Bollen van het Nieuwe Zand] and defined in detail by means of coordinates.
    8. By freeing up the portion of diamonds from ALROSA previously resold by De Beers and, upon lapse of the transitional period, by discontinuing the entirety of De Beers’ purchase relationship with ALROSA, the commitments address the concern of reducing access to a viable source of alternative supply of rough diamonds and hindering the second biggest competitor from fully competing with De Beers.
    9. The Security Policy shall establish a formal staff registration and de-registration procedure in place for granting and revoking access to SIS II hardware and software for the purposes of the operational management.
    10. Measures restricting access to their resting places in Hinderplaat, Bollen van de Ooster and Verklikkerplaat situated in the Voordelta are designed to allow at least 200 common seals to inhabit the entire Delta.
    11. The Security Policy shall establish a formal staff registration and de-registration procedure in place for granting and revoking access to VIS hardware and software at the central VIS for the purposes of the operational management.
    12. Such migration path should be transparent and developed at the necessary level of detail so that operators currently enjoying access can prepare for the changes, including rules for any necessary joint work by access seekers and the SMP operator as well as for the precise modalities of de-commissioning points of interconnection.
    13. Measures restricting access to coastal areas at Bollen van de Ooster (and Bollen van het Nieuwe Zand) are designed to safeguard adequate levels of and access to food supplies as compensation for the potential loss of this species' foraging area around Maasvlakte 2.
    14. Applications for access to a document shall be addressed in writing to the Secretary-General of the Council/High Representative, rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 175, B-1048 Brussels, by e-mail to [email protected] or by fax to (32-2) 281 63 61.
    15. Where the SMP operator envisages to replace part of its existing copper access network with fibre and plans to de-commission currently used points of interconnection, NRAs should under Article 9(1) of Directive 2002/19/EC ensure that undertakings enjoying access to the SMP operator’s network receive all necessary information in timely fashion to adjust their own networks and network extension plans accordingly.