Betekenis van:

to deduce
  • uit een klein aantal gegevens een algemene regel afleiden
  • conclude by reasoning; in logic



to deduce
  • een antwoord vinden
  • reason by deduction; establish by deduction




to deduce
  • deduceren
  • conclude by reasoning; in logic



to deduce
  • destilleren, distilleren
  • reason by deduction; establish by deduction





  1. Sherlock Holmes could deduce much out of the smallest details.
  2. We began to see what we can deduce from it.
  3. What should we deduce from Aristotle's assertion that women have fewer teeth than men: that he had small knowledge of women or that he couldn't count?
  4. It was therefore not possible to deduce from that information that Transavia sold seats on its scheduled flights to package tour operators.
  5. The German argument that bidders could deduce what Mabb's planned financial assistance would be from the Switch-over Agreement signed on 13 February 2002 cannot be accepted.
  6. From the information received from the Spanish authorities, it is not possible to deduce that the same measures would have applied to other companies which might have decided to provide scheduled air transport services between Madrid and Gerona.
  7. The Commission does not seek to deduce from this one consideration that the State is liable for the debts of La Poste; but it does believe that the French authorities’ argument does not invalidate the Commission’s expert’s argument that in so far as there is a principle of ordinary law it would be a principle of guarantee.
  8. The French authorities state that, at all events, it was not possible ‘to deduce from the lack of precision of the State's declarations concerning France Télécom between July and October 2002, despite the State having indicated that it would act like a prudent investor, any intention on the State's part — nor a fortiori any commitment- to take measures which would contravene the Community rules on state aid.