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Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • a severe and often fatal disease in humans and nonhuman primates (monkeys and chimpanzees) caused by the Ebola virus; characterized by high fever and severe internal bleeding; can be spread from person to person; is largely limited to Africa




    1. ebola virus;
    2. Ebola virus;
    3. Ebola virus; 6. Hantaan virus;
    4. Vervets may also be susceptible to Marburg Virus and Ebola Virus.
    5. Commission Regulation (EC) No 1398/2003 of 5 August 2003 amending Annex A to Council Directive 92/65/EEC to include the small hive beetle (Aethina tumida), the Tropilaelaps mite (Tropilaelaps spp.), Ebola and monkey pox is to be incorporated into the Agreement.
    6. Three separate SARS laboratory accidents in Asia in 2003 and 2004 and the recent death from laboratory acquired Ebola haemorrhagic fever infection in Russia as well as deficiencies in bio-safety practices leading to laboratory acquired infections (tularemia and meliodosis) in the US are examples demonstrating the associated risks involved in inadequate bio-safety and laboratory bio-security, the improvement of which requires stronger commitment through management practices and the training of staff irrespective of the type of laboratory environment (human, animal or agricultural) in which the worker operates.