Betekenis van:

to emphasise
  • een streep zetten onder
  • give extra weight to (a communication)



to emphasise
  • nadrukkelijk naar voren brengen
  • to stress, single out as important




to emphasise
  • profileren, accentueren, beklemtonen, de klemtoon leggen op, benadrukken
  • to stress, single out as important





  1. However, it is important to emphasise that:
  2. Varies speech flow for stylistic effect, e.g. to emphasise a point.
  3. In this respect, they also emphasise that the measure does not aim to harm cable.
  4. In response to the observations of the French authorities, the Commission would emphasise that the preceding remarks do not lead the Commission entirely to reject the French authorities’ proposal but to emphasise how fragile the resultant legal framework would be.
  5. In this respect, they emphasise that most of IFB’s creditors are also clients, suppliers, creditors, debtors or partners of SNCB.
  6. The Belgian authorities emphasise that the IFB’s market shares are well below 10 % of the markets involved in this case.
  7. The French authorities emphasise that, with these factors under control, they were masters of the situation (in particular the issue price).
  8. It is however important to emphasise the fact that the above analysis is based on the average data provided by the cooperating importers.
  9. Some of the third parties also emphasise the fact that this measure might have the effect of promoting video game production throughout the European Community.
  10. Able to speak at length with a natural, effortless flow. Varies speech flow for stylistic effect, e.g. to emphasise a point.
  11. The Commission would emphasise in this respect that the beneficiaries of the aid were obliged to process all orders of less than FRF 500.
  12. The UK Authorities first emphasise that all valuation methods should arrive at the same result: the hypothetical rent that would be paid for the hereditament.
  13. The renewed Lisbon strategy for Growth and Jobs and the National Reform Programmes emphasise the role of environment in growth, competitiveness and employment.
  14. It shall draw their attention to the key investor information of the receiving UCITS and emphasise the desirability of reading it.
  15. The Finnish authorities emphasise that the alleged aid measures mainly have been associated with the transitional period, which ended in 2004.