Betekenis van:

to emphasize
  • nadrukkelijk naar voren brengen
  • to stress, single out as important
"Dr. Jones emphasizes exercise in addition to a change in diet"




to emphasize
  • een streep zetten onder
  • give extra weight to (a communication)
"Her gesture emphasized her words"



to emphasize
  • het accentteken plaatsen
  • put stress on; utter with an accent



to emphasize
  • profileren, accentueren, beklemtonen, de klemtoon leggen op, benadrukken
  • to stress, single out as important
"Dr. Jones emphasizes exercise in addition to a change in diet"





  1. Japanese companies emphasize hierarchy.
  2. You should emphasize that fact.
  3. I want to emphasize this point in particular.
  4. I would like to emphasize the Confucian values that exist within this group.
  5. It is most important to emphasize that none of these processes are conscious.
  6. I want to emphasize the need to get this done on time.
  7. Interested parties emphasize that the generators do bear important risks under their PPAs, in particular constructional, regulatory, environmental, maintenance and fiscal/financial risks.
  8. The Commission wishes to emphasize that these measures should be abolished in substance, so as to eliminate the element of State aid that they entail.
  9. These innovative partnerships shall, according to the practical needs of developing countries, emphasize the further development of infrastructure, human resources and policies, as well as the exchange of cultural activities, goods and services.
  10. The Hungarian authorities emphasize that IBIDEN HU is able to produce substrates for particulate filters with the same equipment without any significant investment, as any manufacturer with the same production technology could.
  11. The interested parties also submitted comments to emphasize that many other factors affected trade and influenced the success of the development of free competition on the wholesale energy market in Hungary.
  12. In this respect, the authorities emphasize the fact that two private investors and the commercial subsidiaries of the housing corporations are willing to participate in the project under the same terms and conditions as the municipality.
  13. The generators also emphasize that they do bear important risks (contrary to what is suggested in the Opening Decision), in particular construction, regulatory, environmental, maintenance and fiscal/financial risks.
  14. Saint-Gobain and the party with withheld identity also emphasize the differences in the use of a DOC and a DPF [21]: the primary purpose of a DOC is to oxidise certain gases by way of chemical reaction, while the primary function of a DPF is to filter out soot by way of mechanical process.
  15. As to restrictions imposed on operations of Tieliikelaitos, the complainants emphasize that the follow-up group established by the Ministry of Transport and Communications has noted that Tieliikelaitos has repeatedly violated respective restrictions, for example by building energy networks and municipal engineering.