Betekenis van:

Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • tegenstrijdig
  • uncertain as a sign or indication
"the evidence from bacteriologic analysis was equivocal"


Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • open to question
    "aliens of equivocal loyalty"
    "his conscience reproached him with the equivocal character of the union into which he had forced his son"
    Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
      • open to two or more interpretations; or of uncertain nature or significance; or (often) intended to mislead
      "an equivocal statement"
      "the polling had a complex and equivocal (or ambiguous) message for potential female candidates"



      1. Research in this area is somewhat equivocal.
      2. The prime minister's answer was equivocal.
      3. One thing, however, is much less equivocal, which is, that out of the matters contained in those books, together with the assistance of some old stories, the church has set up a system of religion very contradictory to the character of the person whose name it bears.
      4. evaluation criteria, criteria for considering studies as positive, negative or equivocal,
      5. For the FGI, the reasoning in the opening decision is unclear and equivocal, and insofar as the Commission based its decision on other factors, it has not fulfilled its duty to state reasons under Article 253 of the EC Treaty.
      6. In view of what has been indicated above, the Commission concludes that there is no clear and equivocal evidence that the Danish television advertising market was systematically and consistently depressed due to TV2's pricing behaviour.
      7. According to the case-law, that principle is breached when the circumstances of uncertainty and lack of clarity led to the creation of an equivocal situation which the Commission should have clarified before it could take any action to order recovery [34].
      8. According to the case-law, the principle of legal certainty is breached when the circumstances of uncertainty and lack of clarity led to the creation of an equivocal situation which the Commission should have clarified before it could take any action to order recover [21].
      9. The circumstances in this case did lead to an equivocal situation, not only for the beneficiary, but also for the Member States, which were entitled to rely on the wording of Decisions 92/510/EEC, 93/697/EC, 96/273/EC, 97/425/EC, 1999/255/EC, 1999/880/EC and 2001/224/EC.