Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • steeds ernstiger wordend conflict
  • an increase to counteract a perceived discrepancy
"higher wages caused an escalation of prices"
"there was a gradual escalation of hostilities"



  1. Thus money in circulation drops, and price escalation quietens down.
  2. Incident escalation In case an incident cannot be rectified within 30 minutes the following escalation procedure should be applied by the Member State whose system is at origin of the incident
  3. actively work towards finding means to suppress illegal exploitation of natural resources which contributes to the eruption, escalation and continuation of violent conflicts,
  4. reconstruction by supporting the economic, political and social rebuilding of post-conflict States and societies to prevent the re-escalation of violence and to promote sustainable peace.
  5. evolution of the price escalation formula on the basis of the agreed delivery timetables of the enduring contracts, and not on the basis of the new delivery timelines proposed by the consortia, in order to make this delivery dates acceptable,
  6. By letter dated 25 March 2003 from the Ministry of Finance, the Norwegian authorities notified a transitional arrangement for zones 3 and 4 for the three-year period 2004 to 2007, and presented the following table concerning the escalation of the social security contributions rates [12]:Table 2
  7. This price is the price invoiced for each direct man-hour and it includes all related costs: indirect hours, management hours, general expenses and overheads.As we did not identify where the mean wages of the shiprepair sector stand versus the minimum wages in both countries, we prefer to use a conservative figure, hence our estimations will be calculated with man-hour prices ranging between EUR 30 and EUR 36 per hour.The man-hour rates of subcontractors mentioned in the annex 6 of the submission of Greece to the Commission are as follows:(EUR)YearDirectIncluding profit (15 %) and indirect costs (20 %), following the methodology included in annex 6 of Greece’s submission200225,9740200327,4942,32004[…][…]2005[…][…]2006[…][…]If we calculate the subcontracted man-hours quantity based on man-hour costs ranging between EUR 30 and EUR 36 for 2006 and derived from these figures for the previous years by using the escalation index published by Eurostat, we obtain the following figures:INDEX: Invlci-tot20022003(9 m)200420052006EU 27 index108,9112,8116,5119,7121,6Greece index113,5116,6127,0127,7133,9Balance of contracted labour380489116471323[…][…][…]Consultant estimateManhour cost (min value)25,426,128,528,630Subcontractor’s direct Manhours (max estimate)149598630388[…][…][…]Consultant estimateManhour cost (max value)30,531,434,234,336Subcontractor’s direct Manhours (min estimate)124665525324[…][…][…]Hellenic shipyard figuresManhour cost25,9727,49[…][…][…]Manhour cost + indirect + profit40,044,5[…][…][…]Subcontractor’s direct Manhours95232370142[…][…][…]’