Betekenis van:

Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • windstreek tussen oost en zuidoosten
  • the compass point midway between east and southeast




  1. The ESE shall act as the dedicated implementation structure of the Eurostars Joint Programme. The Head of the ESE shall act as legal representative of the Eurostars Programme.
  2. The ESE shall act as the dedicated implementation structure of the Eurostars Joint Programme.
  3. The Head of the ESE shall act as legal representative of the Eurostars Programme.
  4. The ESE is in charge of the execution of the Eurostars Joint Programme, and is responsible in particular for:
  5. The ‘Eurostars Advisory Group’ is composed of Eureka National Project Coordinators from the participating Member States and other participating countries and is chaired by the Head of the Eureka Secretariat (ESE).
  6. prior to dispatch for exportation, have remained since birth in the holding(s) of origin referred to in box reference I.11 or they have remained in this(ese) holdings(s) for the last three months and in others of equivalent status since birth,
  7. The Eurostars Advisory Group shall advise the ESE on the execution of the Eurostars Joint Programme and shall provide advice on the arrangements for its implementation, such as funding procedures, the evaluation and selection process, synchronisation between the central and national procedures, and project monitoring.
  8. The ESE is in charge of the execution of the Eurostars Joint Programme, and is responsible in particular for: the establishment of the yearly call budget, central organisation of common calls for proposals and reception of the project proposals (single entry point),
  9. The Eurostars Advisory Group shall advise the ESE on the execution of the Eurostars Joint Programme and shall provide advice on the arrangements for its implementation, such as funding procedures, the evaluation and selection process, synchronisation between the central and national procedures, and project monitoring. It shall advise on the planning for the cut-off dates of the yearly call for proposals.
  10. Sir J. Stephen WALLEmbajador, Representante Permanente del Reino Unido ante la Unión Europea Bruselas.Bruselas, 19 de abril 2000Le agradezco su carta de fecha 19 de abril de 2000 a la que se acompaňa el régimen acordado en las conversaciones a las que Vd. se refiere, relativo a las autoridades de Gibraltar en el contexto de los instrumentos de la UE y de la CE y tratados conexos ("el régimen").Le confirmo el acuerdo del Gobierno de España con dicho régimen, el cual constítuirá un entendimiento con el que nuestros dos Gobiernos quedarán comprometidos.Estoy de acuerdo en que, a la recepción de mi respuesta, cada uno de nosotros transmitamos copia de este régimen, así como de nuestro intercambio de correspondencia, al Secretario General del Consajo con el ruego de que distribuya dicho régimen, junto con ese intercambio de correspondencia, a los Representantes Permanentes de los demás Estados miembros y a las demás instituciones de la Unión Europea de conformidad con el apartado 8 de dicho régimen, para su información y a los efectos indicados en el mismo.Javier ELORZA