Betekenis van:
- The information required, which is listed exhaustively below, is set out in each specific certificate.
- Where such changes are made, these are listed exhaustively in the provisions governing transposition and entry into force.
- The usual forms of handling which non-Community goods may undergo are exhaustively listed in Annex 72 to Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93.
- Administrative checks not carried out exhaustively in breach of Article 68 of Regulation (EC) No 817/2004; on-the-spot checks not satisfactory
- These implementing measures cover SIS II aspects which, due to their technical nature, level of detail and need for regular updating, are not covered exhaustively by Regulation (EC) No 1987/2006.
- The Czech Republic and GECB state that the potential claims are exhaustively listed in the notification and that the maximum financial exposure of the Czech Republic is defined therein.
- New legislative initiatives will be exhaustively prepared with the stakeholders and they should address the users’ needs, avoid excessive burden on respondents, and take due account of priorities, costs and the possibilities for delivering.
- The Commission observes here that the outermost regions are exhaustively listed in Declaration 26 on the outermost regions of the Community, annexed to the Treaty on the European Union [10].
- These implementing measures cover SIS II aspects which, due to their technical nature, level of detail and need for regular updating, are not covered exhaustively by Decision 2007/533/JHA.
- Identification of goods: Please give the requirements specific to certain animal species and types of products. The information required, which is listed exhaustively below, is set out in each specific certificate.
- The companies and loans concerned are listed exhaustively in the annexes to the detailed agreement, which also lays down restrictions in respect of certain loans and a number of express exclusion clauses (negative list).
- In such cases, the actions to be financed should be exhaustively defined and the allocation of resources should be determined on the basis of a factual assessment of the needs in relation to those actions.
- Certain aspects of SIS II, such as technical rules on entering data, including data required for entering an alert, updating, deleting and searching data, rules on compatibility and priority of alerts, links between alerts and the exchange of supplementary information cannot, owing to their technical nature, level of detail and need for regular updating, be covered exhaustively by the provisions of this Regulation.
- The risk shield did not constitute an unlimited additional funding commitment. Unlike an additional funding obligation under company law, for instance, the Land of Berlin’s obligation under the risk shield was limited as to its total and its object, namely to those risks which were exhaustively listed in the detailed agreement and to which funds had already been committed by 31 December 2001.
- Aid of an intensity of 40 % not falling within the scope of Article 87(1) of the Treaty and not even classed de minimis, is now reserved exclusively for some local activities, notably small-scale traditional trades threatened with extinction and small distributive businesses, which are listed exhaustively in the new criteria.