Betekenis van:

to extrapolate
  • uit bekende termen van een reeks de daarbuiten gelegen termen berekenen [wiskunde]
  • ervaringsgegevens toepassen op een ander gebied
  • een gevolg trekken over het onbekende door iets dat bekend is
to extrapolate
  • generaliseren, veralgemeniseren, veralgemenen
  • draw from specific cases for more general cases




to extrapolate
  • extrapoleren
  • draw from specific cases for more general cases




to extrapolate
    • gain knowledge of (an area not known or experienced) by extrapolating


    to extrapolate
      • estimate the value of




      1. the growth rate used to extrapolate cash flow projections;
      2. The CVMP recommended to extrapolate the provisional MRLs for tildipirosin from bovine to caprine species.
      3. Extrapolate the straight line joining the points until it cuts the negative part of the concentration axis.
      4. Use test results obtained with one raw material to extrapolate the ultimate anaerobic degradability of structurally related surfactants.
      5. The information gathered concerning the market in Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Spain was then used to extrapolate the community consumption in the remaining Member States.
      6. Apply reasonable extrapolation. Use test results obtained with one raw material to extrapolate the ultimate anaerobic degradability of structurally related surfactants.
      7. The task of observers is to monitor incidental catches of cetaceans and to collect the data necessary to extrapolate the by-catch observed to the whole fishery concerned.
      8. Since the vapour pressure measurements are made at room temperature, the need to extrapolate data from high temperatures is not necessary and high temperature extrapolation, which can often cause serious errors, is avoided.
      9. It was considered appropriate for this purpose to extrapolate the results of the sample, including the companies with no dumping, to estimate the level of dumping of the non-sampled companies.
      10. They can be used as a basis to extrapolate equivalent guidance values for toxicity studies of greater or lesser duration, using dose/exposure time extrapolation similar to Haber's rule for inhalation, which states essentially that the effective dose is directly proportional to the exposure concentration and the duration of exposure.