Betekenis van:
factory price
factory price
Zelfstandig naamwoord
- fabrieksprijs, producentenprijs
- price charged for goods picked up at the factory
- They took advantage of the stock price increase to raise the idea of building a new factory.
- The comparison between normal value and export price was made on an ex-factory basis.
- On this basis, the company claimed that excessive deductions were made in establishing the ex-factory price.
- The comparison of the export price with the constructed normal value was made on an ex-factory basis and at the same level of trade.
- The price collected in period t should refer to orders booked during period t (moment of order), not the moment when the commodities leave the factory gates.
- The comparison between the normal value and the export price was made on an ex-factory basis and at the same level of trade.
- This price applies to the quantity of potatoes, delivered to the factory, which is needed to make one tonne of starch.
- The comparison of normal value with export price was made on an ex-factory basis and at the same level of trade.
- For the purpose of this Article ‘ex-factory price’ means the price at which the product is purchased from the enterprise, excluding taxes (VAT) and any other cost (transport, loading, handling, storage, pallets, insurance, etc.).
- It should be also noted that one of the European producers has a new factory which did not start the production because of the low price level on the Community market.
- For the purpose of making a fair comparison by product type, on an ex-factory basis and at the same level of trade, due allowance was made for differences which were claimed and demonstrated to affect price comparability.
- The price shall relate to bulk white sugar ex-factory and of a standard quality as defined in point II of Annex I to of Regulation (EC) No 318/2006.
- In a first set of transactions (hereafter referred to as transfer 1) on 28 December 1999, SEPI bought shipyard companies Cadiz, Juliana and the ship motor factory company Manises from AESA for a price of EUR 15300000 [7].
- The comparison of the thus calculated weighted average normal value with the weighted average export price as found during the interim review by product type on an ex-factory basis showed the existence of dumping.
- The comparison of the weighted average normal value with the weighted average export price by product type on an ex-factory basis for two of the exporting producers showed the existence of dumping.