Betekenis van:
fall down

to fall down
  • hard vallen
  • lose an upright position suddenly



to fall down
  • plotseling en onvrijwillig op de grond enz. terechtkomen
  • lose an upright position suddenly




fall down


  1. Tom didn't fall down.
  2. You'll fall down.
  3. Babies often fall down.
  4. The tree was ready to fall down.
  5. Because we'll all fall down on the cold ground.
  6. Take care not to fall down and skin your knee.
  7. Everything which flies will sooner or later fall down.
  8. Another step, and you will fall down the precipice.
  9. It's the first time I fall down the stairs.
  10. The old woman seemed to fall down at any second.
  11. Tom had a fear that he would fall down.
  12. Cut down that dead tree, or it will fall down on your house.
  13. When you make the first one fall, all the others must fall right down to the last one.
  14. In the winter, many older people slip on ice and fall down.
  15. With the arrival of winter, the leaves on the trees fall down.