Betekenis van:
fly by
to fly by
- snel verstrijken
- move by very quickly
to fly by
- snel verstrijken
- move by very quickly
- He was defeated by the fly swatter.
- Birds learn to fly by instinct.
- When you're enjoying yourself, the time seems to fly by.
- These next couple of months better fly by!
- That outfit is running a fly-by-night operation.
- Long story short, she’s on the No Fly List and we might have been followed here by drone.
- Fly-by-wire or fly-by-light control systems;
- fly-by-wire or fly-by-light control systems;
- "Development""technology", as follows, for "active flight control systems" (including fly-by-wire or fly-by-light):
- Multi-axis fly-by-wire or fly-by-light controllers which combine the functions of at least two of the following into one controlling element:
- Multi-axis fly-by-wire or fly-by-light controllers, which combine the functions of at least two of the following into one controlling element:
- Hydraulic, mechanical, electro-optical, or electro-mechanical flight control systems (including fly-by-wire types);
- Hydraulic, mechanical, electro optical, or electro mechanical flight control systems (including fly-by-wire types);
- Findings regarding advance billing for services provided by AZ Servizi to AZ Fly at market conditions
- How this amount is shared between the two shareholders, Fintecna and AZ Fly, is largely determined by the capital structure: