Betekenis van:
fuel injection
fuel injection
Zelfstandig naamwoord
- mechanical system to inject atomized fuel directly into the cylinders of an internal-combustion engine; avoids the need for a carburetor
- Fuel injection equipment
- Fuel injection system (diesel engines):
- Fuel feed: carburettor/indirect injection/direct injection (2)
- Fuel injection equipment (petrol and diesel)
- By fuel injection [2] Specify the tolerance.
- By fuel injection (compression ignition only): yes/no (1)
- By fuel injection [2] Specify the tolerance. : system description
- By fuel injection (positive ignition only): yes/no (1)
- Feed system (pump, injection into intake, mixing with fuel, etc.):
- Fuel feed: direct injection/indirect injection [3] Strike out what does not apply.
- ‘Fuel rail’ means a pipe or duct that connects the fuel injection devices;
- The governor of the fuel injection equipment may contain other devices which may affect the amount of injected fuel.
- The governor of the fuel injection equipment may contain other devices which may affect the amount of injected fuel
- By fuel injection (compression-ignition only): yes/no [1] Strike out what does not apply.
- The basic principle of fuel/air metering (e.g. single point injection, carburetor) shall be the same.