Betekenis van:
Zelfstandig naamwoord
- leer v.d. erfelijkheid; leer v.d. erfelijkheid
- the branch of biology that studies heredity and variation in organisms
- Genetics will never change.
- You can't blame genetics!
- Genetics doesn't lie.
- You're not seeing protein purification in a course of genetics.
- Genetics
- In genetics
- Advanced Genetics,
- Ultimate Genetics/Normangee,
- Kentucky-Bluegrass Genetics
- GGS Genetics, 1200 Stillman Road Mason, MI 48854
- For the latter, the focus will be on multidisciplinary approaches including genetics, life style and epidemiology.
- The focus will be on: genomics; proteomics, ‘RNA-omics’; population genetics; comparative, structural and functional genomics.
- Basic and appropriate species-specific biology in relation to anatomy, physiological features, breeding, genetics and genetic alteration.
- Interbull Centre, Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics SLU, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Box: 7023, SE-750 07 Uppsala Sweden ;
- The focus will be on the study of human and model systems, including interactions with factors such as environment, genetics, behaviour and gender.