Betekenis van:
given name
given name
Zelfstandig naamwoord
- voornaam
- the name that precedes the surname
given name
Zelfstandig naamwoord
- naam vóór je familienaam
- the name that precedes the surname
given name
Zelfstandig naamwoord
- antroponiem
- the name that precedes the surname
- She hadn't given me her name.
- She has a rare given name.
- What name will be given to the child?
- In China, the family name comes first, followed by the given name.
- Tom signed his name with the pen Mary had given him.
- Among the Uighurs, a "Naming Celebration" is held after a child is given a name.
- Bombay is the former name of Mumbai and was given to it by the English.
- Your name was given to us by Mr. Hayashi of Keyo Steel Corporation.
- You have given yourself a European name? Why? Then why don't you just change the color of your skin as well?
- Fahrenheit is a German inventor who invented the thermometer. At the same time, his name is given to a unit of temperature.
- Not at all, that's perfectly fine. Calling each other by one's given name is a good thing; it produces a feeling of fellowship.
- In Bali, the intergenerational forgetting of names is institutionalized. A woman will be known by her given name to peers. When she bears a son, the boy's age-mates will refer to her as "the mother of so-and-so."
- On this day in 1887 appeared in Warsaw a booklet of Ludwik Lejzer Zamenhof about the "International Language". Its size was modest, its motto ambitious: "For a language to be an international one, is not enough to call it as such." The name of the author was given as "Dr. Esperanto".
- Given name
- 007 Given name,