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green paper

green paper
Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • a preliminary report of government proposals that is published in order to stimulate discussion



    1. For example, Pepperberg would show Alex an object, such as a green wooden peg or a red paper triangle.
    2. Alex seemed to learn nouns such as "paper," "key" and "cork," and color names such as "red," "green" and "yellow."
    3. Description: Green paper, laminated, with two pages.
    4. Description: Green paper licence, six pages.
    5. Green paper ‘Promoting the mental health of the population.
    6. The paper to be used for the Transit Accompanying Document can be of green colour.
    7. The paper to be used for the Transit/Security Accompanying Document can be of green colour.
    8. Description: Multi-coloured banknote paper (pink, blue, green), enclosed in plastic cover.
    9. Green Paper on bio-preparedness COM(2007) 399 final of 11 July 2007.
    10. The paper to be used for the transit accompanying document can be green.
    11. Green Paper on services of general interest (COM(2003) 270 final, 21.5.2003) and White Paper on services of general interest (COM(2004) 374 final, 12.5.2004).
    12. In its 2003 Green Paper and its 2004 White Paper on services of general interest [18], the Commission outlines the guiding principles of its approach.
    13. The responses received to the Green Paper emphasised the added value of a Community framework concerning critical infrastructure protection.
    14. As recognised by the Green Paper on Energy Efficiency or ‘Doing more for less’ — COM(2005) 265, 22.6.2005.
    15. The Commission Green Paper on Urban Transport of 25 September 2007 entitled ‘Towards a new culture for urban mobility’ notes the support of stakeholders for promoting the market introduction of clean and energy-efficient vehicles through green public procurement.