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grow over
- When summer is over, the days grow shorter and shorter.
- Over time it is intended to grow the revenue of the company and to thereby repay the remaining amount of the loan to the bank from revenue.
- Furthermore, market share declined over the period considered, indicating that in relative terms, i.e. compared with competitors, the Community industry did not grow.
- Generally speaking, demand looked set to grow over the next few years in some areas of the real estate market in Germany.
- Over two million ha in the Community are used to grow sunflowers, and production of sunflower seeds exceeds 3,5 million tonnes per year.
- The September plan refers to an independent market study which seems to demonstrate that demand for steel structures in Poland and Europe as a whole will grow over the next few years.
- As regards the underlying figures leading to the terminal value, the Commission notes in particular that RM’s earnings before interest, tax and depreciation (EBITDA) were projected to grow at over […] annually in the plan period.
- The trend of subcontracting logistical services in the German market over the last eight years indicates that both supply and demand could grow by 15 % to 20 % annually in the years ahead.
- The market survey showed that Télé 2 has no specific advantages over other DSL operators, and consequently that in the absence of the present transaction it could not be expected to grow more rapidly than the average for the market.
- According to the restructuring plan Cyprus air traffic is assumed to increase by 3,5 % on average per annum over the years 2005-2010, while Cyprus Airways traffic projections will grow at a rate of 2,4 % on average per annum over the years 2005-2010.
- According to the restructuring plan Cyprus air traffic is assumed to increase by 3,5 % on average per annum over the years 2005-2010, while Cyprus Airways traffic projections will grow at a rate of 2,4 % on average per annum over the years 2005-2010. In the report prepared by PwC the overall growth for Cyprus air traffic is forecast by IATA (the International Air Transport Association) at 4,3 % over the 2006- 2008 period, this suggests that the assumptions taken into consideration in the plan were reasonable.
- In the Commission services’ 2009 autumn forecast GDP is expected to contract by 4,5 % in 2009 and to grow by only ¼ % in 2010. Furthermore, also on the basis of the Commission services’ autumn 2009 forecast, the planned excess over the reference value cannot be considered temporary, since the general government deficit is projected to increase from 4,7 % of GDP in 2009 to 6,1 % of GDP in 2010 before it declines slightly to 5,6 % of GDP in 2011 based on the usual no-policy change assumption.
- For the years 2009 and 2010, the Commission services’ autumn 2009 forecast foresees that annual GDP would contract by 2,9 % and grow by 0,3 % respectively. Furthermore, the planned excess over the reference value cannot be considered temporary, since according to the Commission services’ autumn 2009 forecast, taking into account the measures already adopted in the current year, the general government headline deficit will increase to 8 % of GDP in 2010. In 2010 and 2011, despite the discontinuation of most of the measures of extraordinary nature linked to the crisis in 2009, no improvement in the fiscal position is expected due to the continued recessionary environment, the working of automatic stabilisers and a marked growth in interest expenditure.