Betekenis van:

Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • not causing or capable of causing harm
    "harmless bacteria"
    "rendered the bomb harmless"


    1. They're harmless.
    2. Tom's harmless.
    3. Tom seems harmless.
    4. Tom is quite harmless.
    5. Tom is completely harmless.
    6. They're pretty harmless.
    7. They're really harmless.
    8. It's perfectly harmless.
    9. This is harmless in itself.
    10. Bacteria are just tiny cells, harmless.
    11. Most snakes on this island are harmless.
    12. He is harmless as a dove.
    13. The sound was annoying but harmless to the human body.
    14. Heat will break this chemical down into harmless gases.
    15. There's no need to be frightened of the dog; he is quite harmless.