Betekenis van:
Zelfstandig naamwoord
- number of people in a particular group
- Staff headcount
- Staff headcount and financial ceilings determining enterprise categories
- Data used for the staff headcount and the financial amounts and reference period
- It is necessary to establish in detail the composition of the staff headcount for SME definition purposes.
- In particular, it tests whether the firm concerned meets certain ceilings (staff headcount, turnover, size of balance sheet).
- Furthermore, the limit of 250 on headcount and EUR 50 million on turnover are not included in the TE definition.
- By late 2003, KH had significantly reduced its headcount because of mounting losses due inter alia to adverse market conditions and poor management.
- The data to apply to the headcount of staff and the financial amounts are those relating to the latest approved accounting period and calculated on an annual basis.
- Firstly, for a low volume manufacturer like De Tomaso the extent to which automation can help reduce headcount is limited: investments in automation usually pay off only for high or very high volume production.
- The headcount corresponds to the number of annual work units (AWU), i.e. the number of persons who worked full-time within the enterprise in question or on its behalf during the entire reference year under consideration.
- The evolution of the average salaries and wages is also distorted by the fact that sometimes lay-off indemnities had to be paid to persons no longer included in the headcount of the companies.
- According to the median business plan, improvements in the value of production should be accompanied by cuts in external costs (less use of employment agency services, lower energy costs) and personnel costs (smaller headcount).
- Firstly, for a low volume manufacturer like De Tomaso the extent to which automation can help reduce headcount is limited: investments in automation usually pay off only for high or very high volume production. Indeed, the Cutro solution would hardly save any workforce with respect to the alternatives.
- According to Article 4 of the Annex to the SME Recommendation, the data relevant for the staff headcount and the financial amounts to determine whether the beneficiary of an aid is an SME are those relating to the last approved accounting period and calculated on an annual basis.
- The number of persons employed is a headcount and is measured as an annual average using at least data for each quarter of the year except for the statistics on the activities defined in Section 3 of Annex V, VI and VII of Regulation (EC) No 295/2008 for which the calculation can be done on the basis of data with a lower frequency.