Betekenis van:

Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  • hydrofiel, hygroscopisch, vochtaantrekkend, vochtabsorberend, wateraantrekkend
  • absorbing moisture (as from the air)



  1. Hygroscopic
  2. White, hygroscopic powder
  3. White, crystalline hygroscopic powder
  4. Clear, colourless, hygroscopic, viscous liquid
  5. White crystalline, slightly hygroscopic powder
  6. White, odourless, granular, hygroscopic powder
  7. White, slightly hygroscopic granules or powder
  8. White, very hygroscopic powder or granules
  9. White, hygroscopic, granular powder or transparent crystals
  10. Colourless crystals or white, very hygroscopic powder
  11. White, odourless, hygroscopic powder or deliquescent crystals
  12. Odourless, white, slightly hygroscopic, crystalline mass.
  13. Colourless or white, odourless hygroscopic crystals or granules.
  14. Slightly hygroscopic, white to off white, odourless powder
  15. The anhydrous form is hygroscopic, the decahydrate efflorescent